
What I do

It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.

  • Batman
Creative Co.

With great design comes great solutioning

I value design as the multidisciplinary tool that enables human beings to plan the future, by creating artifacts that are accessible and provocative of emotions and connections.

Ultimately, it’s the strategic choice of defining the preferable future, and planning the actions to reach this goal.

Creative Co.

Coffee-to-pixel converter

Visual hierarchy lasers. Speedster concept sketches. Bug free code. Overnight endurance.

These are just a few of my special abilities developed during my 5+ years of experience.

If you want to know more about my stats check out my resume.

You can take away my Mac, you can take away my Figma, but there’s one thing you can never take away from me...

My Special Abilities

User Experience

  • Consulting Services
  • User Research
  • Usability Testing
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Personas
  • Workflows

User Interface

  • Visual Identity
  • Prototype
  • Design System
  • Animation
  • Metrics Analysis
  • User Guides & Storylines
Creative Co.
Creative Co.


  • iOS Development
  • Website Development
  • Software Workflow
  • SEO Best Practices
  • Responsive Design
  • Version Control


  • Logotypes
  • Brand Guidelines
  • Presentations
  • Marketing Materials
  • Creative Direction
  • Communications

In The Media

Moments when my identity was public revealed.

My Academic Production

  • BIAZI, Rodolfo D. Evaluation of educational games for teaching and learning agile methods. 2018. (Presentation/Seminar).
  • HERNANDEZ, A. A. R.; EFING, A. C.; BIAZI, Rodolfo D. El control social informal en la sociedad de la información. REVISTA DE DERECHO COMUNICACIONES Y NUEVAS TECNOLOGIAS (EN LÍNEA), v. 16, p. 1-16, 2017.
  • EFING, A. C.; BIAZI, Rodolfo D. In: GONÇALVES, Oksandro; FOLLINI, André; SANTANO, Ana Claudia. (Org.). Direito Econômico & Socioambiental: por interconexões entre o desenvolvimento e a sustentabilidade. 1 ed. Curitiba: Íthalo, 2016, v. 1, p. 279-294.
  • BIAZI, Rodolfo D. Consumer law aimed to conscious consumption and sustainable development. 2016. (Presentation/Seminar).