

Hubli was born out of the necessity of centralize and organize content to make teaching and learning collaborative for college students in a remote environment.

  • 2020


This project was conceived at Apple Developer Academy, by a group of five students. At the Academy we use the Challenge Based Learning (or CBL) which provides an efficient and effective framework for learning while solving real-world challenges.

The Challenge Learning Framework is divided into three interconnected phases: Engage, Investigate and Act. Each phase prepare you to move to the next phase. Within each of the phases there are opportunities for applying all sorts of methodologies and if necessary a return to an earlier phase.


In the first phase, we move from an abstract big idea to a concrete and actionable challenge.

To find the most suitable theme that would engage the whole team, we went through a series of processes. And a series of virtual post-its. Seriously.

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With this process we were able to decide on our big idea: future of work. The big idea is a broad theme or concept that can be explored in multiple ways and is important to you and the larger community.

Along with the big idea came a wide variety of essential questions, and we decided that the one that most motivated us was how to stimulate collaborative intelligence in the future of work?

But before the engage phase concludes, we also needed our challenge, which is turning the essential question into a call to action to learn deeply about one area of the subject. We identified as our actionable challenge: use the collaborative intelligence in the educators work.


The investigation phase begins with generating questions related to the challenge. The questions include everything that needs to be learned to develop an informed solution to the challenge.

As guiding activities and resources we used benchmarking, academic research, social networks, interviews with specialists, and others.

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The benchmarking was divided in three categories: education, technology and work/workforce. Collecting this data was essential in the diverge state that we were. With benchmarking it was possible to perceive trends and create scenarios based on them.

We also built a tree of knowledge based on more than 40 scientific articles, separated into the themes of: learning methodologies, future of teaching, future of work and collaborative intelligence. The Academic research led us to go out there and talk with experts.

To get closer to the challenge, observation was carried out through social networks by joined 12 groups that concerned education and technology, teaching and transformations and future of education.

With all of this it was possible to identify the difficulties, trends, innovations, methodologies and content that are being shared by the community of educators, specially in the face of the pandemic scenario.


In the act phase evidence-based solutions are developed and implemented with an authentic audience and the results evaluated.

The solution we found most suitable was to propose an app that would arouse collaboration between students and teachers.


The app stands on three principles: organization - making interaction with external materials easy and simple; centralization - being an informative hub for relevant content; collaboration - using collaborative intelligence to assist the educator's work.

The innovation is the possibility of using AI and metrics to enrich the learning experience and also to make real-time collaboration relevant.

A platform that centralizes and organizes content to make teaching and learning collaborative for college students in a remote environment.

After the conclusion of the first version of the app, the project was selected to take part in the first Apple Entrepreneur Camp for Black Founders and Developers that took place remotely in 2021.

In the short term we pretend to implement the following features: improved metrics, AI based content recommendation, push notifications, real-time collaboration inside of links and contents and a redesign.

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